Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Florida Dubstep DJ - DJ Aliengeek the Original alien Orlando Dubstep DJ

Florida Dubstep DJ

when it comes to

Dubstep in Orlando Florida

only one real name comes up across the board. DJ Aliengeek, the only and real Alien in Orlando, is one of the rare Dubstep DJ's that can blend with every crowd and has made a great effort to unite everyone in the genre to produce a tighter collection of DJ's and musicians.

Perhaps most exciting is his ability to play any set for any crowd and not just one very specific sound repeating the same records every week. From Reggae to Speed Metal, his sets always flow.

When you really define the Florida Dubstep scene it is broken down in to Tampa and Orlando. In the begining Orlando was the place to be for breaks and while a few greats like DJ Santana held down the scene for many years the sound and taste in Tampa changed to hip-hop almost over night. When DJ's like The Florida Dub step DJ DJ Aliengeek spun in Ybor it was a much different crowd and the fact is he was playing dubstep that far back almost instantly after the two-step movement took over the scene.

It goes much deeper than that, though. A lot of people can sit down and hammer away at anything but DJ Aliengeek, The Dubstep DJ, tends to get it right first because he calls on his extensive career as a certified network engineer and programmer for over 15 years. On top of that he has been a music teacher and community leader and is currently setting up a new youth charity orginization to help provide insturments to poverty stircken districts.

Thats what makes DJ Aliengeek The Florida Dubstep DJ something different. This isn't a fad that will come and go and like the other dedicated musicians out there he knows that to play in front of a crowd is his reward and the insane amount of work that comes between is whats makes him one of the most saught after consultants in the local scene.

The other side to The Florida Dub step DJ Aliengeek is that he has been working in the IT and entertainment industry for a very long time. The world will testify how calm and good natured he is and while he isn't the best DJ in Florida he is the only real Alien and the only Alien from Orlando Tampa or anywhere else.

At the end of the day dubstep is a UK sound and DJ Aliengeek is dedicated to staying authentic to the meaning and nature of the music.